Vegan Grandma

Friday, September 29, 2006

Veggie Burger Mix

I just found this recipe among a stack of papers I was going through. I’m not sure where I got it. If this is your recipe, please forgive me for not giving you credit (let me know).

I’m going camping in a couple of weeks, so I decided to make this dry veggie burger mix to take along. I like having mixes like this on hand at home, too, for a quick meal when I need one. This is a recipe that allows you to be creative. I had some for lunch, and I thought it was good.

Veggie Burger Mix
makes 4 cups of mix

3/4 cup dry garbanzo beans
3/4 cup dry lentils
½ cup yellow split peas
½ cup brown rice
½ cup rolled oats
1/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1/4 cup cornmeal
1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
Seasonings of your choice ( herbs & spices, ground-up veggie bouillon cubes or powder, dry soup mixes, dry salad dressing mixes, nutritional yeast, taco seasonings (If you use taco seasonings, you can serve the burgers with salsa)

Note: You can vary the ingredients, using more rice with fewer garbanzo beans, etc, for a total of 3 cups combination of garbanzos, lentils, peas, and rice. The oatmeal is essential because it acts as a binder.

Put the ingredients one or two at a time in a blender, and blend each to a fine powder (Don’t do this when the baby is sleeping, it’s noisy). Mix all together with the seasonings. Store in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

It might be a good idea to tape these instructions on the jar. To use, mix 1 cup of the mix with 2/3 cup very hot water, or combination of water and tomato or vegetable juice, water and wine, pineapple juice in place of ½ the water and a dash of soy sauce (Serve this with pineapple rings) , or for sweet and sour burgers, use soy sauce in place of 1/4 water and serve with sweet and sour sauce. You can be creative with this. For a more tender pancake like burger use a little more water.

You can also mix in sauteed onions and peppers at this point.

Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, then form into 3 patties.

Fry in a skillet coated with non-stick cooking spray, or bake the patties at 350 degrees F. for about 20 minutes on a baking pan coated with non-stick cooking spray. Turn the patties over after 10 minutes.

You can fry a small patty to taste for seasonings, and adjust accordingly.

NOTE: If you use BBQ sauce as part of the liquid, the sugar in the sauce will cause the burgers to brown faster, so check often.

Serve on buns with lettuce, mustard, ketchup, onions, pickles, etc.